Star of Solomon Devised by King Solomon renowned for his Mystical Learning this Amulet is worn for acquiring Wisdom, Intuition and Knowledge. Pendant Size -...
Tree of Life The Tree of Life represents all aspects of humanity and the Universe. This Amulet is worn to increase Knowledge Wisdom and Understanding....
Supernaturelles - Winged Beauty Kalea Solana - Reduced to Clear
Winged Beauty Kalea Solana Winged Beauty Kalea Solana, whose fairy name means “Clear Wind from the East” is for Happy Destiny Supernaturelles The Supernaturelles dwell...
Created by renowned fantasy artist Anne Stokes. Beautiful double winged dragon cameo features clear faceted heart manmade crystal dropper and Anne Stokes classic 'Water Dragon'...
Wolf Hammer - Trove of Valhalla - Reduced to Clear
Wolf Hammer - Trove of Valhalla These pewter charms, inspired by authentic Viking art and legend pay tribute to the Viking Spirit. They are today's Trove...
Dragonhead Boat - Trove of Valhalla - Reduced to Clear
For Safety on Journey's Dragonhead Boat - Trove of Valhalla The longboat figurehead was an important magical charm believed to frighten off supernatural predators just as...
Web of Wyrd - Trove of Valhalla - Reduced to Clear
For Developing Potential. Web of Wyrd - Trove of Valhalla. The open ribbonwork trefoil represents the Web of Wyrd woven by the three Norms. Norse goddesses...
For Wealth and Abundance. Sun wheel - Trove of Valhalla. The Midgard serpent. Jormungand, encircles the sunwheel, one of the oldest and most sacred of man's...
Scanda Cross - Trove of Valhalla - Reduced to Clear
For Love and Harmony. Scanda Cross - Trove of Valhalla. Christianity won Viking converts when missionaries of the church destroyed their pagan temples and yet...
Gripping Beast - Trove of Valhalla - Reduced to Clear
For Regeneration and Vitality Gripping Beast - Trove of Valhalla For Regeneration and Vitality This fantasy creature- a Lion, horse, dog - has paws clutching the...
Northern Knot - Trove of Valhalla - Reduced to Clear
For Happy Love and Friendship. Northern Knot - Trove of Valhalla. An ancient symbol. The winding knot represents both the complexity of the self and the...
For Direction and Constancy. North Star - Trove of Valhalla. These pewter charms, inspired by authentic Viking art and legend pay tribute to the Viking Spirit....
Roving Long Boat - Trove of Valhalla - Reduced to Clear
For Protection On The Sea Of Life. Roving Long Boat - Trove of Valhalla. The Vikings knew the sea better than any, their extensive coastline tempting...
Sword of Sherwood the sword of Sherwood bears the runes of the forest trees and represents the bravery and generosity characteristics of Robin Hood. Lost...
Hieroglyphica Incorporating all the Planetary Symbols and Elements the Hieroglyphic Manod amulet is worn to achieve Balance Health and Happiness through Harmony with the Planets...
Yin Yang Symbolising the union of Male and Female Principles this ancient Chinese Charm is worn for Inner Harmony and Personal Growth. Pendant Size -...
Celtic Cross Derived from a unification of Christien and Pagan symbolism this Cross is worn for good Health, Courage, and to ward off Bad Influence. ...
Good Health and Prosperity Pan K'uei Chinese magical seal of the Dragon traditionally attracts good fortune, Good Health and Prosperity. Magical talismans Talisman comes from...
Youthfulness and Vigour Sun Talisman The star of David and Sphinx feature in this solar talisman traditionally attracting Youthfulness and Vigour. Magical talismans Talisman comes...
Safety on Journeys Travel Talisman Dating from Napoleon times this talisman worn next to the heart traditionally grants the wearer Safety on Journeys. Magical talismans...
Empowerment and Vitality Circle of Life Created as a hex by the Amish this potent talisman traditionally attracts Empowerment and Vitality. Magical talismans Talisman comes...
Happy Love and Friendship Aphrodite's Flower The eight-petalled flower inspired by the goddess of love traditionally attracts Happy Love and Friendship. Magical talismans Talisman comes...
Mental Ability Mercury Talisman Ancient symbol calling on the power of Mercury or Hermes this powerful Talisman traditionally enhances Mental Ability. Magical talismans Talisman comes...
Justice and Longevity Tsuru Chinese magical seal of the Crane traditionally purifies the soul and attracts Justice and Longevity. Magical talismans Talisman comes from the...
Peace and Enlightenment Feng Huang Chinese magical seal of the Phoenix traditionally attracts an untroubled life with Peace and Enlightenment. Magical talismans Talisman comes from...
Moon Valkutr Moon Valknutr represents Odin's power while the lunar symbolism stands for freya norse goddess of magic who taught Odin's secret skills. This pendant...
Supernaturelles - Bright Vanina Kari - Reduced to Clear
Bright Vanina Kari Whose fairy name means ‘Butterfly so Pure of Heart’, travels far in her pursuit of new experiences and fresh encounters. She blesses...
Supernaturelles - Serene Celina Sylvana - Reduced to Clear
Serene Celina Sylvana Serene Celina Sylvana, whose tree spirit name means ‘Moon in the Forest’, branches upwards to achieve one-ness with the Universe. Supported by...
Greenwood Collection - Acorn Faerie - Reduced to Clear
Fertility & and new Beginnings Acorn Faerie Woodland gardeners the acorn spirits gather and plant the oak tree's seeds where they will thrive and so...
Greenwood Collection - The Dragon Tree - Reduced to Clear
Shielding from Danger The Dragon Tree Dragons - watchers from the ancient Greek Dracon - are otherworldly gradians of precious metal, jewels and knowledge. From...
Greenwood Collection - The Mushroom Fairy - Reduced to Clear
Transformation & Illumination The Mushroom Fairy Fairies whirl about the mushroom ring to a hidden piper's tune. Inviting all to embrace the magic of their...
Luring Ambitions & Personal Resolutions Forbidden A key to our own unconscious minds, the word forbidden itself draws us to the darker mystical and magical...
For Attaining Goals Briar Dharma Charms These esoteric pendants stylishly reflect the spirit, beliefs and development of the Buddhist way of life. The ancient teachings...