Woman's Bodies

Labradorite:  A power stone, allowing you to see through illusions. Excellent for strengthening your
intuition. Stimulates imagination. Helps raise your consciousness & connects you with universal energies. Deflecting unwanted energies & prevents energy leakage. Relives stress, helps with regulating metabolism. Relieves menstrual tension. Aids with balancing your hormones. Companion though Change.

Rose Quartz: Unconditional love & infinite peace. Helps to open the Heart & brings deep inner healing & self love. Calming & reassuring. Excellent in trauma or crisis situations. Attracts love to the wearer, restores trust & harmony, heals a broken heart &
comforts in times of grief. Encourages self forgiveness & self acceptance.

Lepidolite: Effective in calming frayed nerves,
helping one to release stress & worry. Can assist you in being honest & open, as well as helping
the people around you to do the same. A wonderful friendship stone. Lifts depression & lower thought
forms. Anti-nightmare stone.

Que Sera:  Offering support to be able to stand in your own power. Helping you to discover what will be.
A stone to help you though stress, offering calmness & serenity. Bringing energy down from the higher chakras. Helping you though the times of anger worry. Works like plugging you into an extra power source. Aids with protection from electromagnetic
energy given off by computer. Hold this crystal if you are feeling fatigue.

Size: 50mm x 27mm x 25mm

Collections: Crystals

Types de produits: Crystal


*Applies to Aust Retail Only