Known as the stone of evolution. Brings about great change and transformation. Aids healing from depression, can help ease mood swings, and encourage acceptance ....
Promote a sense of balance while cleansing the surrounding energy. It fortifies strength & confidence & feelings of self-worth. Used to center & ground physical...
Black Tourmaline Cleanses, purifies & transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, clears & balances all the chakras & forms a...
Calcite Caribbean Blue: Working with your Crown & 3rd Eye chakras. Offering soothing energies, a very calming stone. Helping to calm your anxieties and works at...
Calcite Caribbean Blue: Working with your Crown & 3rd Eye chakras. Offering soothing energies, a very calming stone. Helping to calm your anxieties and works at...
Great for detoxification as well as physical digestion. Help’s to expand your awareness & narrow mindedness. Aids with clear thinking, dispelling confusion, promoting compassion &...
Merlinite blends heavenly & earthly vibrations, bringing magic into your life. Promotes spiritual growth. Used to treat the skeletal structure & disorders of the veins...
A Stone of rejuvenation. This mineral is hailed as containing a healing power incomparable to any other. Shungite purifies, protects, normalizes, induces recovery & promotes...
Tourmalined Quartz Offering the powerful ability to clear your auric field of negativity Giving a powerful protective field of energy, to keep you safe &...